Home Page

Summary of the Site

This site is my Portfolio. Here you can see different pages that include different things about me, what I do, and who I am. This site includes my resume, my skills, projects that I've worked on, things about me, and my contact information.

About Me

My name is Brandon Winecoor. I'm 16 years old and live in Morganville, NJ. I am in my 2nd year of the WDPP and am currently learning Javascript. Some things I like to do are play video games, hang out with friends, watch movies/shows, etc. Some fun facts about me are that I'm Russian and Jewish, my favorite color is blue, and my birthday is on July 19.

Old Portfolio

My old portfolio from Level 1 of Web Design. Basically an older version for the comparison of how much I have learned over my time in the WDPP. Each image has a link to its own part of the website.


Brandon Winecoor Resume


Sixteen year old high school student who is seeking a job in web design. Knows HTML and CSS and is currently learning JavaScript.

Employment History

Junior Counselor/Bus Counselor

Junior Counselor job included watching after kids, taking them to activities, making sure they're safe, and being friendly to them. As a bus counselor I took attendance, made sure everyone had their seatbelts on, and made sure every kid got back on the bus at the end of the day.


Friendship Circle

When I used to go to Friendship Circle I helped a buddy witha disability. It was 2 hours every Sunday, and during those two hours, we did different activities, such as music, dance, cooking/baking, arts and crafts, and play time.


Yearbook Club

I'm currently in my first year of yearbook club where I am trying to find creative ways to design the pages of the yearbook that I am assigned. Meetings are every Thursday and we make outlines of the page and put in whatever text and photos we need.



What is HTML?

Hypertext Markup Language, a standardized system for tagging text files to achieve font, color, graphic, and hyperlink effects on World Wide Web pages.

Google Definition

What is CSS?

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used to style and layout web pages — for example, to alter the font, color, size, and spacing of your content, split it into multiple columns, or add animations and other decorative features.

developer.mozilla Definition

What is JavaScript?

An object-oriented computer programming language commonly used to create interactive effects within web browsers.

Google Definition

Coding Sites I've Used



Code Sandbox






Code Academy



Joker Website

This website is a summary of the most famous things that The Joker has done and is known for. It includes summaries of different versions of him, his origin, some of the times that he died, and his famous accomplishments.

Joker Website

Jamaica Website

This website is an informational site about Jamaica and what you can do there on vacation. The site includes a page about airport information, taxi, and weather, a page for hotels, a page for restaurants, and a page about landmarks.

Jamaica Website

Colors and Computers Website

This website is about the different colors and objects in my school that are those colors. The site includes information, summaries and the RGB's of each color.

Colors and Computers Website

Halloween Animation

This website was just a little experiment with CSS animations to see how creative I could get with the given animations. The site includes a white spider that goes away every time you put your mouse into the site and a green/zombie ghost.

Halloween Animation

Pawfee Spot

This website is about a fake restaurant for dogs. It has a home page with a summary of the site, and a page for LCH, drinks, food, sweets, and specials. Each page also has a custom-made menu using Canva and a button to go to the next page and then eventually, home.

Pawfee Spot

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